海外の怪奇な話、都市伝説、オカルト話を翻訳してみる。(This website includes English translations of Japanese urban legends, scary tales and strange stories.)

I posted this story on many sites but no one believes me.
Between the ages of 4 and 6, I lived with my grandparents (Japanese) in a town named Blankenese, Germany.
In the town, there was a small house you could access through a deserted alley. The house had a yard, which was larger than the house itself and always bursting with fruit and flowers. Couple of rabbits and chickens were put to grass.
This story tells about my experience getting along with elves living in the house.
Though they were elves and had long pointed ears, they were normal in other aspects.
The elf family consisted of elderly lady, little boy (nearly at my age) and ugly girl with glasses (she was like a highschooler. maybe 16).
The boy was like a girl and far cuter than his sister.
They didn't look similar but I thought they were a family because they all had pointed ears.
I got acquainted with them after I was caught munching on blueberries that grew in their garden with my hands and mouth being totally blue with no permission from them.
The boy said to me "I'll kill you." ("Kill" and "die" were his pet phrases)
The elderly woman and girl forgave me saying "there are plenty of them" and invited me to their home to let me eat more of blueberries.
Thereafter I visited them almost every day because I thought they gave me snacks.
As I expected, the elderly lady always prepared cake for me, such as chocolate cake with cherries on it and pie cake. Her cakes were all really excellent and in particular her cheese cake was a masterpiece.
I don't remember it in details but the cheese seemed to contain white chocolate or fresh cream and melted on my tongue.
Further, I had the nerve to eat left-overs such as meatloaf and sausages. haha
They bothered to make fruit juice for me and satisfied every bit of my desire.
Though the boy said to me "You come here for foods, kiss my ass," we often played together.
What I was concerned about was that they never tried to go out of their premises.
When I once said to the boy "let's go out together," he replied "If I go out, I'll die." and I didn't ask any further.
I returned to Japan in the second grade, and a few years later learned about elves.
Immediately the idea that those I met were elves came to my mind and I told about the elves to my family but no one believed me.
They argued that they hadn't let me live with my grandparents in Germany on a long-term.
It seems they took me to Germany only twice when I was about 3. But then what are my clear memories? Why can I understand the German language still now to some extent?
The house of my grandparents actually existed in Blankenese, Germany. I don't have memories when I was 4-6 other than the memories above mentioned.
I want to visit the elves sometime again but I haven't had a chance.