海外の怪奇な話、都市伝説、オカルト話を翻訳してみる。(This website includes English translations of Japanese urban legends, scary tales and strange stories.)

I am writing a story of my strange experience. This story is a bit long.
I was on the way to the university and waited for the signal to turn green, spacing out. Then suddenly a man next to me asked me “Are you my mom?”
At that time I was a 20-year-old university student and had no experience of being pregnant and giving birth to a baby. Moreover, apparently the man was over 30 years old.
Shocked, I replied “Y... you are talking to a wrong person.” He looked surprised at my answer and took on a “why-are-you-lying” look. I was again shocked at his look.
When the light turned green, I left the place quickly. I hate to say this but he had an air of lunatics. He was very skinny and bug-eyed, wearing a shabby shirt and hanging a small yellow bag from his shoulder. This was my first encounter with him and I had seen him many times over the next several years.
From then on, he waited for me at the place every day and never failed to ask me “Are you my mom?” Of course I replied no to him, and he left. Though he’s kind of eerie, I didn’t have to call the police.
But one day he started to appear at my university and after multiple encounters with him at the campus I shouted angrily at him. I think I said “Do not appear in front of me!” and “You make me sick!” and the like.
After that I didn’t see him. Then I graduated from the university in Tokyo and went back to my parents’ home. About one year had passed since I started to live with my parents, and I had a phone call from my friend in Tokyo for the first time in about a year.
She said that she met the stalker and was asked “Where is my mom?” causing her to feel scared and run away. When I heard her story I just thought “there was someone like that in the past but he is a total stranger to me now.” But on the Mother’s Day of the next year, I found a withered carnation at the entrance of my house. The look of the stalker quickly came to my mind. Frightened, I talked to dad and I went to the police with him but the police didn’t take my story serious. There were neither injuries nor damages I suffered so I couldn’t blame the police for their actions but I was very anxious.
Several months had passed since then and at one night of heavy snowfall, I walked on the roadside in a city when a car suddenly slipped resulting in me being injured in a chain-reaction crash. I temporarily passed out and when I came to myself, I was caught between a car and a fallen tree. My whole body hurt and I couldn’t move a bit. Even if I called for help, my voice was drowned out by the noise. Nobody noticed me. Close to me, a fire blazed up and I thought this might be my end. At that time I heard that man’s voice saying “Mother! Mother!” loudly. I found myself shouting “I’m here! Help! I’m here!” He seemed to also get involved in the accident because he was also covered in blood. He removed snow that accumulated around me in order to drag me out and after I was rescued, I noticed he was more badly injured than I and his injury seemed to cause a great pain. But he smiled at me asking “Are you my mom?” I don’t know how to describe the feeling I felt at that time but I said “yes… yes…” nodding and bursting into tears. When I wiped my eyes and looked up, I couldn’t find him anywhere. He disappeared in a blink of an eye.
I have never seen him since then. I don’t know what he was but I don’t think he is what they call a ghost.
When it’s snowing, I remember my son whose name I don’t know. Thank you for reading this to the end.PR